My name is Cassie. In January of 2020, at 42, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. I had been healthy my entire life so it was quite a shock to hear those dreaded words, “You have cancer”. I had a double mastectomy and radiation and was declared to be in remission on May 22, 2020.
A week after my treatments ended, I was able to fly to South Dakota in order to see my family and help out my father, who was also going through his own battle with a rare cancer at the exact same time.
It was such a relief to be finished with my treatments and to leave all of the mental and physical symptoms that come with this diagnosis behind me. I went back to my job as a behavior specialist working with children who have autism. I felt so grateful to have my normal life ahead of me.
Then, 4 months later, in September of 2020, my doctor found a spot on my liver that had not been seen on previous scans. Subsequent tests and a liver resection revealed my cancer had returned and I was now at 43, diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. My life once again was turned upside down.
After many many tears, I have accepted this unfortunate diagnosis and the new journey I am on. I am trying to embrace every day and be present in the moment, avoiding thoughts about what my future holds. It’s not always easy, I have good days and bad days, and that’s ok. But I will continue to fight and will never allow this cancer to take my spirit or my will to live. Thank you for reading my story. ~ Cassie • • Congratulations Cassie! Thanks for your submission. You are our #3 winner of March Madness. You will receive a $100 gift now and your name will go into the drawing to possibly win $1000 at the end of the month. xoxo ~ Madame President