Hey Maryland Survivors, Thrivers and Supporters! Have you ordered your Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes license plates? Rock your ribbon and show your support!
Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes {SSPW} license plates are finally available! We are excited to provide you with the enclosed Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration application for your SSPW plates. The cost for the plates is $50, which includes the MVA fee of $25 and your tax deductible donation to Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes of $25.
Once you submit your application to SSPW for plates, the MVA will handle the processing and distribution. Your plates will be mailed to your address on file with the MVA and the entire process will take about 6-8 weeks. Upon receipt of your new SSPW plates, please immediately return the license plates currently on your vehicle to any MVA office for cancellation.
Q: Can I request a special plate number? A: You will not be able to request a special plate number.
Q: Can I personalize the plate? A: Each plate has four numerical digits. Only numbers can be used on these license plates, and there can be no hard handicap plates or personalization for organization specialty plates. You will receive the next available plate number.
Q: What if my current plates don’t expire for another year or two? A: When you receive your new SSPW plate, you will also receive new stickers with the same expiration date currently on your existing plates.
Please mail completed application, along with $50 check or money order to:
Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes P.O.Box 11763 Baltimore, Maryland 21206 Attn: SSPW License Plates
Make checks payable to Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes Inc..
Thank you again for supporting Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes and our charitable efforts.